Title: Concerto für Violine, viola und Orchester von blasinstrumenten (partitur)
Other title: Konzert für Violine, Viola und Blasorchester
Concerto for violin, viola and wind orchestra
Subfolder Number: Α
Creator: Σκαλκώτας, Νίκος
Date: 1939
Subject: Ορχηστρική μουσική
License: CC BY-NC
Origin: Αρχείο Νίκου Σκαλκώτα
Item's Format: Χειρόγραφο
Folder Number: 2032
Catalog Number: 25
Item Range: 50φ. Δεμένο
Orchestration: vn, va+orch [3fl, 2ob, eng hn in F, pcl in Eb, 3cl in Bb, bcl, ssax in Eb, asax in Eb, 2bn, dbn, 6hn in F, crt in C, 3 tpt in C, 3trbn, btrbn, ttb, tb, timp, perc, db]
Appears in Collections:032 | Konzert für Violine, viola und Blasorchester / Concerto for violin, viola and wind orchestra

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